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VR voor VR

VR voor VR was made on request by a client. It is meant to be a serious game that teaches employees at a crisis information center how to gather information during a crisis. 

In the game, because there has been a lot of rain, the player has to go around and collect information to see if the dyke is going to break. and based on the information collected they have to decide if they are gonna cancel a festival that is gonna happen nearby.

This project was meant as a prototype for the client to see if they liked it and if they wanted to develop it into a full fledged game.

The game has been primarily developed by 2 programming interns (myself inculded), an artists, and when needed we where helped by a lead programmer and artist.

Some things I worked on:

  • Hand Gestures
  • Dialogue System 
  • Universal Macro Library for dialogue text

Hand Gestures

To detect hand gestures I added a hand gesture plugin made by oculus to unreal engine. using this plugin I was able to detect whenever the player was making a grabbing gesture with their hand and use it to allow them to move the map.

And by checking if the player is pointing and by using a collider in the finger or widget interaction component. I made it so the player is able to interact with the dialogue and buttons.

Dialogue system

To speed up the development process for the dialogue system, because we only had 3 months to make this prototype, I implemented a state machine plugin called logic driver.

Using the plugin I was able to create my own state machine and custom nodes with their own functionality.

Some examples of nodes I made where:
- dialogue node, which passes a string to the dialogue widget and updates it.
- Question node, which allows you to create one of multiple questions behind a dialogue node.
- Reward node, This node unlocks a gameplay tag for the player which the system uses to detect if the player has asked certain questions or done certain tasks.

Universal Macro Library for dialogue text

I also made a re-usable macro library that allows you to make text from any widget, scroll in with sound effects as if someone is talking.

When calling the macro, you are able to select how fast the speed has to scroll, which text widget it should print to, the text itself, and the audio source used for the sound effect.

The macro library splits the string into characters and loop over all of them.

Then letter for letter, add the characters to the widget

And lastly it checks if the letter is part of the alphabet, if it is it will count up and every third letter, it will play a sound effect. this way, if there are a lot of dots, spaces or enters, it will not play sound effects.